Simplified Common Lisp reference
Symbol class: Mathematics, Arithmetics, Logic and Comparisons
Symbol type: function
*numbers(zero or more) => number
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

* function computes product of numbers. It does type conversions for numbers. There is no wraparound in integer numbers - they are arbitrary long. It works for all number types including integer, rational, floating point and complex.

(* 1 2 3) => 6
(* 1 2) => 2
(* 1) => 1
(*) => 1
(* 1234567890123456789 9876543210987654321) => 12193263113702179522374638011112635269
(* 1.3 -5) => -6.5
(* 1.3d0 -5) => -6.5d0
(* #c(2 4) 3) => #C(6 12)
(* 3/4 7/9) => 7/12
Function indexFull documentation for * (HyperSpec)